Art dump

January! I drew a few things. Besides what I've already posted in the art category, here's a quick post with most of the things I made.

Every image can be clicked to view a full-resolution copy of the picture, and I've included the Krita files for each as well. As usual, all this is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Forest color test (forest-color-test.kra)

Tubes (tubes.kra)

Further doodles (further-doodles.kra)

Dragon thingy (dragon-thingy.kra)

Full test (full-test.kra)

Textured brush doodles (textured-brush-doodles.kra)

Scenery sketch


Color dino thing (color-dino-thing.kra)

Face structure thing (face-structure-thing.kra)

Wow! That's a fair bit. Tablets are handy for throwing things together quickly.

Sorry for not making individual posts for each of these; I think it's actually easier for me to draw something when I know I'm not going to have to write an entire article on it after, hah. There's not a ton to say about most of these. They're just doodles! But I'm glad to share them anyways.