Homestuck^2: Preceding Canon

Preceding Canon is a crappily named (re)presentation of Homestuck: Beyond Canon inspired by the design of the webcomic Prequel. Each chapter is shows in a single, long-scrolling and hand-stylized page. (There's also a Search page for JS-enabled browsers, although feature-wise it's shelved at the moment. You can mess around with it anyway.)

While you can freely clone an archive of all of this site's content from its Git repository, images are referenced cross-domain from You'll have to have a working network connection for accompanying panels to load.

Preceding Canon is (spiritually, if not so practically) a sister project to HSMusic Wiki; for reporting errors or issues, the same contact information applies. (We haven't caught this place up with the rest of HS2's original run nor Beyond Canon yet. We know! Sorry! It will happen, one day!!)